Today's offerings come from Dragon Driving and the original links for each are beneath the images. A word on Dragon Driving- whilst a reputable business in itself the site does tend to attract a broad spectrum of horse sellers. Many are from the UK travelling community and whilst this population contains many knowledgeable, skilled equestrians it is true that not all prioritise good horse care and management!
Those of us who do care about our horses understand that two year old horses and ponies still have a lot of growing up to do right? Physically and mentally. They are still developing skeletally so damage done at this early stage can be serious and permanent. Such damage can arise from hard work and carrying heavy weights too soon. Obviously the people in these adverts didn't get the message...
So what we have here is a sweet looking pony who is only 2 and already broken to ride and drive and has worked in the cart for a 'while'. Poor little mite. In the second pic she really looks like a baby. And- selling because you no longer have a small jockey for her? No kidding! BTW- open toed sandals? Are you trying to lose a toenail or two?
Newsflash- Foals and babies often seem quiet to ride and train because they are not strong and quickly tire from the mental and physical exhaustion of being asked to do much too soon- which is very little at that age. Once their bodies strengthen, if their mind is still fried, you'll get SERIOUS tantrums. I promise you! And that's never mind what shape the legs and back are in from this treatment.
Actually this ad shows another couple of pet hates of mine beautifully. Photograph your horse somewhere safe PLEASE! All I can think looking at this ad is that poor pony lives in a junkyard. And if you don't have a decent ridden shot, just stand the horse up- no one gets anything from someone oversized lolling on a horse other than poor horse!
Case in point...
AAAAH!! Just when you think it can't get any worse... Seriously?! Again this two year old filly looks like a baby still- check the proportions in the right hand shot- also the worrying dip of the back. And good to catch?! I can't imagine she'll stay that way with you leaning off her mouth like this all the time!! Why anyone thought this was a good sale photo is beyond me- Although maybe he's on her to hide a knackered spine. It wouldn't surprise me!
Oh and another pet hate- riders in piccies please try and look a little professional huh? How about a hat and jodhs or something...?! You're trying to sell me a horse here remember?
till next time folks...
Gotta comment on this one! I recently rescued a young horse that was broke to saddle and ridden at, get this, EIGHT MONTHS. And, of course, he was described as "quiet" in his Craigslist ad. I bought him, sight unseen, because he looked so pathetic in the ad and would for sure have been discarded onto the slaughter pipeline if not sold quickly. At 3 1/2, he is now a handsome, sweet natured guy, but indeed his mind was fried by that early experience, and when we gently started him again under saddle, he could scarcely do much more than stand there and tremble.
ReplyDeleteI've been reporting these to the RSPCA over the last few days, you think these ones are bad?!
A YEARLING broke to ride and drive!!
I saw that one soon after posting this lot and it is disgusting. Poor soul, he looks like such a baby in that harness. In case picture disappears here he is: